OTT Testautomation
Our Electronic MultiMedia Analyst EMMA demonstrates our promise to make the OTT way for you future-proof and superior. EMMA is tangible OTT cybernetics and enables actual, automated end-to-end testing of your clients on tablets, smartphones, smart TVs and set-top boxes without science fiction.
We know the principles and limitations of classic test automation solutions (scripting, screen recording, HW manipulation), recognized their problems (validity periods, developer expenses, ...), limitations (object really displayed or "just in the markup"...?) and recurring efforts, and developed EMMA to bring IPTV and OTT E2E test automation to a professional, cost-saving evolutionary level - with eye, ear and touch sensing and the necessary artificial intelligence to perform the automated regression tests correctly even if you have again changed the color, shape, size, position or designation of the controls of your IPTV or OTT applications - 24/7, with no signs of fatigue, whether on-site or remote-controlled on our premises...
Services at a glance
- EMMA R1 - Kinematics li>
- EMMA R2 - Kinematics Performance Accelerator li>
- EMMA Studio (generation, execution, analysis and reporting of automated tests) li>
- Test Automation Strategy Consulting li>
- Test Engineering li>